Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Computer Club holds Media Camp 2015

By Joshua Alex Binza

The campers did not go home empty-handed, that is for sure. 

With over 200 participants from Grades 9 and 10  of Tabaco National High School (TNHS), the 2nd School-based Media Camp was held last November 6-8, 2015 at TNHS with the theme: "Focus + Vision = Design." 

Said camp involved lectures on Photography, Web Design, Social Media and First Aid which were also the topics for the camp's team-building activities and contests all throughout the first and second days of the camp.

During the 2nd night of the camp, the Search for Mr. and Ms. Media Camp was held where Vince Gabriel Alado and Mitzi Rexine Martirez were hailed as Mr. and Ms. Media Camp respectively. They were followed by Krysdane Berana and Marc Gerald Saba, 1st runner up; and Angelie Nicole Bordas and Gerard Bata, 2nd runner up.

By the 3rd day, the awarding ceremony was held. Subcamp Instagram bagged the Best Subcamp award. 

"We joined the camp with only our own personal things with us but when we left the camp, we gained things. We left with new-found knowledge and we made new bonds with other students of the school and that is enough to say that the Computer Club succeeded in making this camp enjoyable and knowledge-filled," said Gavin Raymond Briones, leader, Subcamp Instagram.

The school's Computer Club is headed by Cyrus Christian Lee and advisers, Mrs. Julma Cargullo and Mr. Nathaniel Bongat. 

Friday, October 30, 2015

The Vanguard, Ang Tanod dominate DSPC 2015

By Mitzi Rexine Martirez and Maria Vina Montino

Tabaco National High School's school paper publications in English and Filipino, The Vanguard and Ang Tanod respectively, dominated wins in the recently concluded Division Schools Press Conference (DSPC) held last October 29-30, 2015 at San Lorenzo Elementary School, San Lorenzo, Tabaco City.

Embarking on the theme, "The Role of 21st Century Campus Journalists in Upholding Good Governance, Leadership and Transparency," the press conference included eight individual events and two group events for both English and Filipino.

The results for the individual events for The Vanguard and Ang Tanod are as follows: Trisha Faith Alaiza, 2nd place and Charles Calais, 1st place, news writing; Amina Rose Alghamdi, 2nd place and Jamaica Blancaflor, 1st place, feature writing; Lurd Synell Najarilla and Cyrus Christian Lee, 1st place, editorial writing; Ronel Rabe and Anthony Alcoriza, 2nd place, editorial cartooning; Romela Bragais and Selene Brondial, 1st place, Science and Technology writing; Jan Angelo Bermas, 3rd place and James Vincent Lorio, 2nd place, sports writing; Neil Ivan Bellen, 1st place, Regine Bualoy, 2nd place, copyreading and headline writing and Jade Edward Biron of The Vanguard, 1st place, photojournalism.

For collaborative publishing, the groups representing The Vanguard and Ang Tanod both bagged 1st place beating two other groups from San Antonio National High School and San Lorenzo National High School.

Same with the collaborative publishing contest, the groups of The Vanguard and Ang Tanod won 1st place in radio broadcasting and script writing along with other special awards.

For radio broadcasting and script writing English, Best Anchor was Al-vi John Jerfvin Corpuz with Mitzi Rexine Martirez taking the 2nd spot; Best Reporter was Maria Vina Montino followed by Jezreel Icaranom in 2nd place and Ashwell Donne Bobier ranking 3rd. The Vanguard also bagged the Best in Technical Application award which was received by Gean Marie Celestial, Best Script award and Best Infomercial Award.

For the Filipino contest, on the other hand, it was Roy Rebancos who managed to bag the Best Anchor Award with his co-anchor Nichelle Buenconsejo placing 2nd; Best reporter was Iseabel Bue with Kobe Dionela placing 2nd and Micah Angelu Buela placing 3rd. Ang Tanod also bagged the Best in Technical Application courtesy of Nel Erin Joy Fajut, Best in Script writing and Best in Infomercial.

The Vanguard's collaborative publishing team was coached by Ms. Desiree Canicula while the broadcasting team was coached by Ms. Gene Maria Calingacion.

Ang Tanod's broadcasting and collaborative publishing teams were coached by Mrs. Emily Braceno , Mrs. Linda Bruto and Mrs. Asuncion Bola.

Winners of the DSPC will be heading to Sorsogon National High School, Sorsogon City on January 13-16, 2016 to represent the Tabaco City Division for the Regional Schools Press Conference.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Batch '81 donates welding shop for SHS

By Trisha Faith Alaiza

For Tabaco National High School (TNHS) to be equipped with the materials needed for the Senior High School (SHS) Technical-Vocational Track, which will be offered next school year, the TNHS Alumni Batch '81 constructed a welding shop supplied with welding tools and machines for the incoming SHS students.

Mrs. Elena B. Tasic, Principal IV, together with the Administrative Staff received the donation from the head of the batch, Mr. Arnaldo Bragais, during the turn-over ceremony last October 22, 2015.

The welding shop was already constructed last June, this year, and is now being utilized by the students of TNHS.

"Being a faculty teacher of TNHS, I recognized the need of much preparation of the school for the K-12 Curriculum, that's why I appealed to my batch mates and they were positive upon this matter," Mrs. Rebecca V. Bobier said.

According to Mrs. Bobier, Mr. Renato Bocaya and Mr. Arnaldo Bragais led Batch '81 in conducting the fundraising activities for the construction of the welding shop.

Friday, October 23, 2015

SHS: Are You Ready?

By Blessie Lynette Concina

Deped Memorandum No. 4 s. 2014 states that, pursuant to Section 30 of the Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR) of Republic Act no. 10355, also known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, the national implementation of Senior High School (SHS) will be in school year 2016-2017 and onwards.

Senior High covers the last two years of K-12 which include Grades 11 and 12. In SHS, students will go through a core curriculum and subjects under a track of their choice. The Department of Education (DepEd) is doing their best for the better implementation and preparation for this curriculum. The time is getting nearer and nearer. Only a few months from now, SHS will start. But the question is, are we ready? Are you ready?
Most of the students would say that they are not yet ready for the next two years of their study in high school. According to them, this program is just new and they don't have yet a background knowledge about it. Furthermore, the facilities, the teachers, and buildings that are intended for the last two years of K-12 are still out of sight, they say. Moreover, the students are having difficulty in choosing the field their strengths are compatible with.
On the other hand, there are also students that would say that they are fully ready for the said program. They say that they are well-oriented about SHS and they already know what will happen in this program. Senior High is not a barrier but instead it could help students for their college studies. The knowledge that the students are about to take in while taking up the Senior High program could make it easier and even faster for the students in deciding what field or track they're going to take in the years to come. And according to them, Senior High School serves as the training ground for tertiary education.

The thing is: where are the facilities for SHS? Where are those buildings that the government kept on promising? There are lots of applicants for teachers, but where are they now? If only the government would present these teaching facilities to the incoming 11th graders. Therefore, students will no longer hesitate to decide for themselves if they are ready or not. If the government cannot yet offer the paraphernalia needed for the said program, even if the students are already equipped with knowledge that they would be needing for SHS, still this program would not be possible.
However, no matter how prepared or unprepared the students are, SHS must go on. But still, the answer is in your hand.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

SSG leads Drug Awareness Symposium

By Neil Ivan Bellen

To raise awareness on different topics regarding illegal drugs, the Supreme Student Government spearheaded the Symposium sponsored by the Philippine Medical Association which was held last October 21, 2015 at the Lagman Gymnasium, Tabaco National High School (TNHS).

The said event had speakers from the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) and was attended by Grade 10 students of TNHS.

Ms. Cotton Yuson, Chief of Preventive Education Community Involvement Branch, was the first speaker of event and tackled the concepts involving illegal drugs such as the reasons of drug abuse, the profile of drug abuser, the classification of these drugs and more.

“In order to not be a part of illegal activities such as drug dealing, whenever somebody asks you to be a part, tell them, I’m too busy working on being better.” She said on her talk.

She also added that whenever someone is acting a little bit strange, you have to go and ask what is wrong and be always ready to lend a helping hand for this deed may prevent any unwanted in involvement in such cases.

The second speaker of the symposium is a drug user alias Coco who had decided to stop using drugs specifically Shabu. He told the crowd about how his experiences changed his outlook in life and led him to live a drug-free lifestyle.

Coco also imparted them with wisdoms about the proper decisions in life in order to not be led astray. He said that the greatest decision you could ever make is to say no to something that doesn’t even assure you of your safety.

After the two talks, the symposium had an open-forum to answer and clarify some questions regarding drugs.

“This is one of those symposia that is very much needed to be held in every school in order for the students to be filled with knowledge about the effects of drug abuse and this will also serve as a stepping-stone that will help pave the way for a better future for each and everyone.” Ma. Resel Balla, one of the attendees, said.

History Club conducts Dance Drama contest, Grade 9 wins

By Tricia Regine Bermillo

In celebration of the “History Week,"  with the theme: “History: An Instrument and Inspiration in the Political, Social, and Cultural Aspects in the Lives of Filipinos,"  the History Club Officers along with the advisers of the said club, held the Dance Drama competition in Tabaco National High School's Lagman Gymnasium last October 19, 2015.

There were two entries from the Sophomores who were the first two that performed followed by the Freshmen, then the Juniors and lastly by the Seniors.

The event started off with a doxology, followed by the singing of the National Anthem. Afterwards, a ballet intermission number was performed by Aira Jane Abagatnan of Grade 7-Venus, which was followed by the parade of the contestants and the Historic Men.

The  opening remarks was addressed by Mrs. Salome Barbadillo, the Araling Panlipunan Department Head,  emphasizing the significance of history in our lives.

The two entries from Grade 8 were tied for 3rd place while the performers from Grade 7 managed to bag the second place and the Best in Costume award. Grade 10 bagged the 1st place and the performers from Grade 9 were named the overall champion of the contest.

To conclude the program, the closing remarks was given by Mrs. Judy Bongon, History Club adviser. 

TNHS researchers win big in Division Science Fair

By Joshua Alex Binza

With the main objective of helping the community through scientific researches, 13 researchers from Tabaco National High School (TNHS) bagged wins in three categories during the Division Science Fair held on October 21, 2015 at the Division Office, San Lorenzo Elementary School, San Lorenzo, Tabaco City.

For the Applied and Physical Science category, John Emmanuel Brotamante, Ian Arvin Bellen, John Marc Carlet and Cyrus Alexander Vizon, all in Grade 9-Dalton, bagged the first spot while Jewel Diamante, Angelie Nicole Bordas and Alyssa Mae Benitez of Grade 10-Newton and Einstein, grabbed the second place for the team category. Jade Edward Biron of 10-Einstein was named the 1st placer in the individual contest with Jezreel Icaranom trailing behind at second place.

For the Life Science category, the first placers for the team contest were Lida Victoria  Ecalnir, Micah Atondo and Angelica Calibo while Joshua Alex Binza of 10-Newton brought home the first place in the individual contest.

First and second placers of the said Science Fair will represent the Tabaco City Division in the upcoming Regional Science Fair on November 18-20, 2015. 

They were all coached by their Research adviser, Mr. Ronaldo Reyes who accompanied them during the contest along with Mrs. Aurea Biron. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Red Planet's Blue Beauty

By Jezreel Icaranom

For many decades, it is now common knowledge that Mars, the Red Planet, is teeming with water frozen in the form of polar ice caps, and for many decades, it has speculated scientists all over the world if Mars did indeed had life flourishing on it many million years ago. Lots of years had passed, and the search still goes on, until this year, 2015, when a finding further supported the claim.

Mars’ frozen ice caps aren’t only frozen – they flow too. This is what the scientists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) discovered after realizing that fresh stains from the cliffs near the ice caps and crater 
walls give evidence to flowing water, and surprisingly, this event occurs every summer on  Mars.                                                                                      Photo courtesy:

With a photograph by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter providing the single strongest evidence at current times that water does indeed flow on Earth’s neighbor. Using a specialized device, the scientists found traces of hydrated minerals on these cliffs and landmarks and seem to ebb and flow over time, much like how Earth’s oceans tide in and out. Furthermore, these stains of hydrated minerals create some sort of pattern which greatly resembles that of the Earth’s mountains during the rain.  This discovery not only prompted that there is liquid water on Mars today, as said by lead scientist Michael Meyer, but also gave more hope to all the scientists of finding life on Mars.

This discovery alone shows everyone how advanced in modern technology humans have developed, how well our hunger for knowledge have led us to current times. Now that we have more evidence of life on our neighbor, it is reasonable to strengthen the grips on the theory that humans are not alone in the universe.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Biron is new RFSSG treasurer

By Joshua Alex Binza

Jade Edward Biron of Grade 10-Einstein was recently elected as this year's Regional Federation Supreme Student Government (RFSSG) Treasurer last October 13, 2015 at the Regional Educational Learning Center (RELC), Rawis, Legazpi City.

Said election was participated by over 60 Supreme Student Government (SSG) presidents all over the Bicol region with Biron representing Tabaco National High School (TNHS).

All representatives were divided into two parties namely the Astig and Leader parties; Biron being part of the latter. 

He was Leader party's representative for the position of Treasurer while the opposition sent Carmela Gonzales. Biron won with a total vote count of 28 while Gonzales earned 22 votes.

Biron, upon winning, said that he feels honored that not only the school, but also the whole Tabaco City Division and Bicol Region leaders, trusts him. According to him, this win will motivate him even more in serving the student body of the school and his fellow students from other schools in Region V.

With regards to his plans as RFSSG treasurer, he said, "I will give my 100% support to the projects we, the regional officers, decide to execute; I will also take part in spearheading our organization's activities. Our platforms focus on student development and empowering the youth to become future leaders of our country."

Biron has been a part of TNHS' SSG for three years now: a representative in his first year, the Vice-President in his second year and the President for his third year. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

It's Time to Move On

By Jan Angelo Bermas

China may have won at the recent FIBA Asia Championships, however, a lot of people don’t seem convinced that they deserved it. Filipinos and other fans of Gilas Pilipinas have turned to social media to express their disappointment in the game.

A particularly angered Rye Dela Cruz
 shared on twitter his open letter to China regarding the recent game:

Dear China,
Congratulations on winning the FIBA Asia Championship. Your carefully strategized dirty tactics worked to perfection. Which tactics you ask? Let me point some of them out for you.

·        >  2 days ago, you moved the Philippines vs. Japan game to a later time. The later a game starts, the later of course it ends. This reduced the amount of rest time our players had before heading to the Philippines vs. China game.
·        >  You delayed the Gilas’ electric bus that would take them from their hotel to the stadium. Less warm up time for our Filipino cagers!
·          > Tickets were not given to some of the assistant coaches of the Philippines.
·        >  The officials were so in favor of you that Gilas players might have thought they were in a MasterChef finale instead of the FIBA Asia Championships. The officiating, especially in the early parts of the game, were the most outrageous calls and non-calls I’ve ever seen in my entire life of watching pro basketball tournaments.

These things mixed with the fact that Gilas were playing on the opposition’s home court were certainly factors that lessened their preparation before the match and altered the team’s mentality coming into the game.

The rants visible on social media complaining about the match that it was “cooked” were testament on how the setup to the finals of the competition were considered one of the worst in professional basketball history.

Filipino volleyball star Gretchen Ho generated a lot of buzz by questioning the game's officiating:
Dear @FIBA, I thought this was a world-class tournament? Why don't you have world-class officiating? Please explain. #FIBAAsia2015

The Philippines may lament the calls and the unusual antics that happened before the match but they can’t deny that China deserved to win though. They were really off their game and the Gilas’ main man Jayson Castro who finished with 8 points was testament to their off-par performance.

That combined with the hostile crowd from the hosts fuelled China into claiming gold at the FIBA Asia Championship, showing their dominance and flexing their muscles at the weary and winded Filipino warriors who seem to have never gave up until the final buzzer.

It's impossible to doubt Gilas Pilipinas' desire to capture the championship. They fought hard every step of the way to reach the necessary level starting with the Toyota Four Nations Cup in August. Though they came up a bit short in this event, they provided reason for optimism moving forward.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Gilas falters against China as they settle for Silver

By Jan Angelo Bermas

Amid the roar of a crowd hell bent on seeing them lose, Gilas Pilipinas fell versus the giant China, 78-67, to settle for silver in the 2015 FIBA Asia Championship on Saturday, October 3 in Changsha, Hunan, China.

The Philippines missed the outright berth to the 2016 Summer Olympics and will instead be relegated to the FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament happening in 2016 from July 5 to 16.
Naturalized big man Andray Blatche was the only player in double figures for Gilas with 17 points and 5 rebounds.

Guard Jayson Castro, known as Jayson William internationally, never got going in the game as he finished with only 8 points on a miserable 3-of-14 shooting from the field on top of 6 rebounds and a single assist. This was the only time Castro scored below 10 points.

Gilas started the game well at 5-0 and led for a while but the Chinese steadily crept back in and erected a double-digit lead thanks to 14-of-22 free-throws while the Filipinos had only 7-of-11 from the stripe.

China, ranked 14th in the world by FIBA, never relented the 46-35 halftime lead they established as they hit open baskets from the outside. They led by 16 point bulges in the second half and with just over 3 minutes remaining.

The game got ugly as early as the first half with calls and breaks not going the way of the Philippines, as the Gilas bench and players incessantly complained all game long. Gilas was called for 28 fouls while China had 24.

There were also several instances where Chinese fans allegedly threw objects at Gilas assistant coach Norman Black, at Filipino fans in the venue, and even at Calvin Abueva after the Gilas rookie fouled out with over 4 minutes remaining.

It was an ugly loss for the Philippines, which dominated most of their foes from the first round.

“Throughout this tournament, our team displayed the Philippine brand of selfless, creative, passionate basketball, fuelled by the warm and vocal support of Filipinos at home and abroad”, said Edwin Lacierda, Presidential Spokesperson, in a statement congratulating the team on finishing as runner-ups for the second straight tournament.

“This group deserves the respect of the country. They may not have won the gold medal, but they are winners as people,” coach Tab Baldwin said, reassuring the fans that they still can hold their heads up high.

SSG gives tribute to TNHS teachers, faculty staff

By Joshua Alex Binza

In line with the 2015 World Teachers' Day Celebration, Tabaco National High School's (TNHS) Supreme Student Government (SSG) gave tribute to the school teachers and faculty staff through a program last October 5, 2015 at the TNHS ceremonial grounds.

With the theme: "The Filipino Teachers: Mirror of Heroism, Cradle of Excellence," the SSG, headed by Jade Edward Biron, together with Computer Club, led by Kenneth Aldrin Bon, launched activities which aim to give thanks to the teachers. Said activities include the Giant Thank You Card Making, Song Writing, and "Hugot Pa More." 

On October 5, 2015, the teachers and the faculty staff gathered at the Saint John the Baptist Church for a short mass and afterwards, they paraded from there to TNHS. 

During the program, the winners of the Song Writing competition, along with Nonilo Cuesta and Denise Beguiras, performed a song to express their gratitude towards the educators.

As the highlight of the program, the SSG conducted a raffle draw where Mrs. Nyren Belen won the grand prize which was a sofa bed.

Friday, October 9, 2015

The Vanguard's Editorial Staff 2015

 Editorial Board
The Vanguard
Sy: 2015-2016

Joshua Alex Binza

Amina Rose Alghamdi
Neil Ivan Bellen
Associate Editors

Ashwell Donne Bobier
Romela Bragais
Mary Kristine Brizuela
Maria Vina Montino
Managing Editors

Jan Angelo Bermas
Jade Edward Biron
Jewel Diamante
Leon Ricardo Fernandez
Circulation Editors

Trisha Faith Alaiza
Yna Mae Benitez
News Editors

Amina Rose Alghamdi
Mary Kristine Brizuela
Feature Editors

Jan Angelo Bermas
Kyle Denzil Chavez
Sports Editors

Romela Bragais 
Johann Niccolo Ocampo
Science and Health Editors

Adrian Gebb Bio
Lurd Synell Najarilla
Head Editorial Writers

Neil Ivan Bellen
Lovely Bilaro
Angelica Callo

Joshua Alex Binza
Al-vi John Jerfvin Corpuz
Kenneth Dungca
Head Layout Artists

Christian Balingbing
Ronel Rabe
Head Cartoonists

Jade Edward Biron
Jewel Diamante
Head Photojournalists

Mrs. Laarnie Balin
Ms. Gene Maria Calingacion
Ms. Desiree Canicula
Mrs. Asteria Velasco
The Vanguard Advisers

Mrs. Salve Estrella
HT-VI, English Department

Mrs. Elena Tasic
Principal IV
Tabaco National High School

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Division YES-O Camp held

by Joshua Alex Binza

Embarking on the theme: "Empowering the Youth towards a Cleaner, Greener and Safer Environment," Tabaco City Division's Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) launched the 2015 YES-O Camp on October 2-4, 2015 at Tabaco National High School.

This 3-day camp featured the following events: Symposium on Environmental Protection, Logo, Poster and Slogan Making Contests, Environmental Crafting,  Environmental and Science Quizzes, Torch Parade, Fun Run, Coastal Cleanup Drive and Mangrove Planting, Film Showing, Team Building Activities, TugSayAwit Contest and the 2015 Search for Lakan and Lakambini ng Kalikasan.

Said camp was participated by public and private elementary and secondary schools from the Tabaco City Division.

The participating Elementary Schools (ES) were: Nagsipit ES, Cobo ES, Basud ES, Mayon ES, Pawa ES, Basagan ES, Magapo ES, Tabaco Northwest Central School, Pinagbobong ES, Matagbac ES, Tabaco North Central ES, San Lorenzo ES, San Vicente ES, Tabaco Fundamental School of Tabaco, Achievers' School of Tabaco, Tabaco Pei Ching School and Tabaco South Central ES.

The following secondary schools also participated in the camp: Tabaco Pei Ching School, Bantayan National High School, San Antonio National High School, San Lorenzo National High School, San Miguel High School, Fundamental School of Tabaco, Mariroc High School, Daniel B. Pena Memorial College Foundation, Comon High School and Tabaco National High School.

During the camp's opening program, the participants were enlightened regarding the camp activities and camp rules. They were also given the camp's official t-shirt which is a yellow round-neck shirt with "I love Yes Camp" printed on it.

"Since this my first time joining the YES-O Camp, I expect to gain lots of knowledge while having fun and I hope that I meet a lot of new friends here," said Rica Mae Borjal, camper from Tabaco National High School.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Wapak defeats Juniors, crowned as champs

By John Christian Berbon

Grade 10 Wapak Team caught fire in the last two sets which propelled them past the Juniors, 22-25, 25-20, 21-25, 25-13, 15-8, during their volleyball match last Friday, September 11 at Tabaco National High School Intramurals 2015.             

The Grade Nine started strong and took a 3 to nothing spree in the first set led by digger Jovin Binamira setting the surge for the Juniors. A game-tying kill from Kerwin Belarmino of Grade 10 tied the score 15 - all. The scoring production of Grade 9 poured in with the help of John Vincent Bejo who ceased the exchanges of scores of both sides and grabbed the set one and a better team coordination by Wapak started the second set showcasing their dominance in the court.

Meanwhile, a Patrick Casin spike startled the Grade 9 but got deflected by Binamira. Jeffrey Tuble took advantage of an empty middle and produced a one point breathing space for the Wapak. A Belarmino kill signaled the start of set three but was answered by a quick play from the Juniors. The red-hot hands of Binamira swiped the third set from the Wapak by creating a quick play for an easy kill and spike of his comrades while a better floor defense was established by the Year four, they thwarted every attack demoralizing the Juniors in the fourth set. They stacked a 12 point deficit clinching the fourth set.

In the opening of the fifth and last set, the Wapak exploded.  A Cabria spike send the ball into the empty middle.  A Tuble campfire send the ball in the middle of defenders. They've dominated the fifth set and crowned as the Champion.

On the other hand, equipped with a proper mindset Year four ' s Girls Volleyball team outgunned  and outperformed the Sophomores, 25-8, 19-25, 11-12

"We committed a lot of errors and there was miscommunication among the members of our team; those were the reasons of our loss. We were nervous and pressured" said by Mitzi Binamira. "Despite of our loss, we enjoyed the game and won the second set. A close fight it is."

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tabaco High welcomes PBB Teen Big 4

by Jade Edward Biron

In compliance with their task in Pinoy Big Brother (PBB), which is to raise three million pesos for their chosen charities, the PBB Teen Big Four namely  Ylona Jade Garcia, Bailey Thomas May, Jimboy Martin, and TNHS Alumni Thomas Franco Rodriguez came back to their hometowns to do the said task.

Last September 15, 2015, the Teen Big Four visited the Province of Albay, which is Rodriguez' hometown. A motorcade was held from Legazpi City going to the Tabaco City Plaza for the Courtesy Call.

By exactly two o’clock in the afternoon, the Teen Big Four was welcomed by the Unity Dance performed by the students of Tabaco National High School  which was followed by the Words of Welcome given by Supreme Student Government (SSG) President Jade Edward Biron. Selected Tabaco Northwest Central School students also performed their Champs Dance and to conclude the welcoming program, TNHS’ pride Thomas Franco Rodriguez performed with the TNHS Brass Band and extended his sincerest gratitude for the support given to him and to his co-housemates.

A payment of Php. 100 shall be given to the PBB staff for every picture taken with the Teen Big Four in order to raise a total amount of 3M pesos. 

**Readers, stay tuned for Ashwell Donne Bobier's exclusive interview with the Teen Big 4!**

Grade 7 reign supreme in 2015 Wellness Dance

by Val Jinsen Buela
                            The grade 7 students prepare for their performance of the 2015 Nestle Wellness
                                        Dance during TNHS's Intramurals on September 10, 2015. (Johanna Belesta)

The Grade 7 students can be defeated in terms of their sizes but not definitely in terms of dancing because of what they showed in the 2015 Wellness Dance Competition with their colorful and attractive costumes and their fascinating moves that blasted all the remaining year levels during the Mass Demo in connection with the 2015 Intramurals held at Tabaco National High School (TNHS) on September 10, 2015.

Under the dazzling heat of the sun, the blue grade 10 performers started the Mass Demo by first entering the pavement full of energy wearing their blue hand props and white caps that made the cheers from the crowd louder, added with their clean and well-practiced moves and freestyles during their performance from the beginning up to the end part of their presentation.

That made the next performers, who were the red grade 9 performers, to enter the pavement with high fighting spirits as they walk towards the pavement wearing their red hand props. They showed their fierceness during their performance by delivering their well-organized freestyles and clean dance moves added with their loud shouts “Grade 9 Wellness” at the end part of their performance.

The yellow Grade 8 performers proceeded after the Grade 9’s performance. The cheers from the crowd maintained its loudness as they showed what they had practiced together with their gloves as hand props and their moves full of energy and excitement.

Last to perform were the green Grade 7 performers wearing their colorful hand props made from plastics that made their performance more interesting together with their unique and original freestyle. They fought the other year levels with confidence and with strong fighting spirits that served as their weapon to achieve the 1st place in that competition and they’re now the new champions in the 2015 Mass Demonstration.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

CaƱo sweeps Bellen in men's badminton finals; 21-17, 21-17

by Kyle Denzil Chavez

Dencarl CaƱo returned with vengeance as he defeated bitter rival Roy Bellen 21-17, 21-17 in the finals of men's badminton held at the Lagman Gym last friday Sept. 11.

The two players both had faced each other in previous games from past years with Bellen winning last year's finals.

Bellen. although having high hopes of winning the game and bagging the title again, started a little bit clumsy, letting drop shots short and some back hands missing his targets, 6-4.

A slight build of momentum carried Bellen to the top. drowning Cano with his thunderous smashes, 13-12.

CaƱo tied himself together, rendering a strategy that brought Bellen into "no man's land". Having a 1-2 punch combination of an almost short serve and awesome placing, stole the opening set, 21-17.

Bellen being down a set, served a mouthful of smashes but Cano chewed enough so he can swallow as CaƱo replies to every smash Bellen throws.

After the short period of being in an even match up, the wind suddenly changed. Bellen fell into the arms of CaƱo. CaƱo then took his window of opportunity, 12-10.

Bellen was trapped in quick sand. The harder his smashes were, the more drained he got. Eventually he ran out of gas. CaƱo scrambles and took over the remainder of the game, 21-17.

"It is one of my strategies- letting my serves just pass by the short service line, momentarily confusing the opponent. With the opponent scrambling to return the shuttlecock, I could send it back with a heavy smash thus scoring a point," CaƱo said.

Seniors dominate wins in 2015 Search for Mr. and Ms. Intramurals

by Mitzi Binamira

Neil Antoni and Angelica Marie Camu, both seniors, won the title of Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2015 during the Search for Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2015 held on September 9, 2015 at Lagman Gymnasium, Tabaco National High School, Tabaco City.

Lienel Navidad, grade 8 and Aaron Rey Bonaobra, grade 10, were hailed as the 1st runner up, Alphabeth Brutas, a sophomore and John Paul Balingbing, from 10th grade, were the 2nd runner up while Dazelle Barrion, grade 7 and Dominic Cruza, grade 8, bagged the 4th place.

Camu was awarded seven out of 15 minor awards namely: best in production number, best in production attire, best in futurista attire, best in sportswear, best in ramp, glamour shot, and lastly, the pormang campus.

Michaela Shenna Delfin, Ms. Intramurals 2014, passed the crown to Ms. Camu after her Farewell walk.

Being the school's Intramurals symbols, Camu and Bobis both carried the school's Intramurals banner during the opening parade held last September 10, 2015. 

Grass flares up in TNHS track field

by Yvette Margallo 

Summer may be over but extreme heat is still striking the city of Tabaco.
A recent grass fire happened between 12:00-1:30pm which consumed a portion of Tabaco National High School's track field last September 9, 2015.
Students occupying the Temporary Learning Spaces near the grandstand field immediately evacuated the area after seeing thick layers of white smoke emanating from the grass fire happening in the school's track field. These huge billows of smoke also distressed students and teachers of the school while two fire trucks arrived at the said destination to stop the fire from further
"It all started with a small speck of fire which later extended on the dried grass from the field causing it to spread like wildfire; extreme heat possibly helped in the fire's fast distribution," said Fire Chief, Ed Borito.
According to an eye witness, a teacher [name withheld] asked one of her students to burn a clump of dried leaves near the said field. He added that the teacher did not expect the fire to spread throughout a large scale of land resulting to the grass fire.
Three fire trucks all in all, two from the government of Tabaco and one from a volunteer organization, helped in sloshing the fire with water.
After the said fire died, Borito said, "All fire troop members did their best to stop the fire; it only took them an estimate of 10 minutes for the fire to eventually stop."
In addition, other than the a portion of the field consumed by the fire, no further casualties were reported to the school's office.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Taking the Plunge or Thinking Twice?

By Leon Ricardo Fernandez

What kind of learner are you? Do you immediately take the plunge or think twice first before mastering the skill? When we are learning skills – whether it is playing the piano, drawing a special person’s face, or creating a software – it takes time to learn them and especially, to master them. There are two different ways to learn a skill: one is the so-called "dive-in" method, and the other is the "head first" method.
The dive-in method revolves around the motto ‘just do it’. In this method, one just, makes attempts in learning a skill. If an attempt does not work out, make another attempt.
The head-first method follows the procedure of thinking before acting. In this method, actions are made after carefully considering the consequences. This method gives assurance to those who are worried about the consequences of their actions.
But! Before using any of these methods, one must assess the skill to be learned to find out which of these methods will work better.
Take for example this situation. You are trying to learn how to fly an airplane,   you cannot just expect that you will learn how to fly through trial and error – it would be disastrous if you do that. That’s why you should go through careful planning and calculations before making actions. Therefore you must use the head-first method.
If you’re trying to learn how to ride a bike on the other hand, you do need to know the complex mathematics to do this. You just need practice to do so. In this case you can use the dive-in method.
But no matter what learning method you choose, it will take some time to learn. It may take you a long span of time or just a little while. Would you choose the dive-in method, where you immediately take the plunge no matter how risky, or would you take the head-first method, where you would think twice and asses all possible strategies and outcomes first?  But no matter what skill one has to learn, he needs tons of determination to accomplish his goal. Are you ready to start learning now?

Sunday, September 6, 2015

TNHS keeps "Overall Champion" title in 2015 National PSYSC Summit

by Joshua Alex Binza and Tricia Regine Bermillo

TNHSians return back from Sorsogon City with a two-peat in the bag!

After being last year's overall champion, Tabaco National High School (TNHS) was once again hailed as the overall champion in the Mathematics, Science at Kapaligiran (MATHSCIAKA) contests during the 2015 Philippine Society of Youth Science Clubs (PSYSC) National Summit held on September 5-6, 2015 at Sorsogon National High School, Sorsogon City, Sorsogon.

This two-day camp featured contests such as the MATHSCIAKA Engineering Science and Interactive Challenge, Philippine Science Olympiad, subcamp quiz bee and photo-sprinting contests, team-building workshops, I Teach Science Seminar and Workshop for teachers and the 2015 Regional Council election in relation to the theme:"MATEREALIZE: Synthesizing Ideas, Extracting Knowledge, Forging Science Clubbers as Agents of Innovation."

Jade Edward Biron and Jewel Diamante, from 10-Einstein and 10-Newton respectively, placed first in the MATHSCIAKA Engineering Science contest after battling with three more high schools from Region V.

On the other hand, Trisha Faith Alaiza, Joshua Alex Binza, Nichelle Buenconsejo, Leon Ricardo Fernandez and Johann Niccolo Ocampo landed the 3rd place in the MATHSCIAKA Interactive contest after competing with 12 other teams of five from high schools participating in the said summit.

With the Engineering Science contest given 60% weight and the Interactive Challenge given 40% weight in determining the overall champion, the 1st and 3rd place wins in both MATHSCIAKA contests helped TNHS in keeping the overall champion title.

Furthermore, three other students from TNHS namely Neil Ivan Bellen, Romela Bragais and Leon Ricardo Fernandez brought the school a 3rd place win in the Philippine Science Olympiad contest.

Grade 9-Mendeleev student and current Grade 9 PSYSC President, Al-vi John Jerfvin Corpuz, was elected as this year's Marketing Officer which makes him part of PSYSC's Region V Regional Council.

After winning 3rd place in the MATHSCIAKA Interactive Challenge, Nichelle Buenconsejo exclaimed, "All things considered, the best part of this year's summit is the MATHSCIAKA Interactive Challenge where my friends and I won 3rd place. It is indeed the most nerve-wracking, patience-testing and honestly, the most exciting and most memorable experience I have in this camp."

All contestants were coached by Mrs. Elizabeth Bongala and Ms. Tina Ang, PSYSC advisers, who also accompanied them along with 96 more students from TNHS in the said summit.