Friday, August 21, 2015

Technology Addiction

by Genela Kristine Belo

This modern world continues to offer new gadgets to make our lives easier. For instance, cellphones make it easier for us to keep in touch without friends and family. Personal digital assistants, or PDAs, let us receive and send emails anytime, anywhere. Now, we also have different products that combine all kinds of uses into one hand-held tool. Yes, they are a big help to us but they can also control us.

Science technology surrounds our life today. Many two-year old kids already have gadgets nowadays. Many people, especially  students get easily addicted to the technology they use. What starts out as a convenient way to say in touch can turn into a compulsive need to use those devices and check messages all day long. Students have the tendency to use their phones even though it’s not necessary like playing Clash of Clans and other games during class hours, texting while eating, taking a selfie every time, everywhere, and many more. They make sure that their devices are near or at easy access all the time. Technology kills real conversations and takes the time that you usually spend on actually socializing with friends and family or doing a hobby. Some people even get up in the middle of the night just to check their phones. Sometimes, problems of overuse of technology aren’t noticeable until they get out of hand.

There are plenty of good reasons to use digital devices but when overused, they can cause serious problems like encountering physical, mental, and emotional issues due to loss of interest in hobbies and social interactions. Therefore, it is really important to stay in control over these devices. Focus on the people around you. Whether it’s a family bonding, a meeting, or a social gathering, you ought to give these worthy people your real attention. Talk to them, listen, and hang out to show some respect. Just please, shut off your phones, unless of course, it actually becomes really necessary. Don’t let every hour of the day revolve around your digital devices. Go out, get some sunshine, and take in life. Don’t you ever skip a meal, you can also go fun places, gallivant, even keep a healthy balance! You should also know your priorities. Spending time with your family and doing school work are definitely more important than wasting your time talking nonsense on the phone for two hours. Find more meaningful ways to spend your time. You could discover a new hobby. When you spend enough time and effort to other activities, you will be able to resist the urge of being too addicted to the mostly unnecessary luxury of technology.

As newer technology fills our world, it’s important for everyone to be aware of the possible changes. We should also know what we’re getting ourselves into and how to adapt. Technology isn’t going away; it gets better and better as years pass by but let us always remember to keep our lives straight and live in a healthy way.

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